The Center for Hellenic Studies stands in solidarity with black activists, black artists, black researchers, black families, and black communities. We believe that black lives matter and we believe in the power of the humanities to fight brutality, injustice, and racism.


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On Wednesday, August 5 at 3:00-4:30pm ET, join us for Sophocles' Antigone (translation by Paul Woodruff), hosted by Joel Christensen (Brandeis University) with special guests James Collins (University of Sydney) and Paul Woodruff (The University of Texas at Austin). Casting details are coming soon.

The live stream will appear on the CHS homepage. 手机翻国外网站教程

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We would like to draw special attention to eighteen influential 19th century Black classicists who made groundbreaking achievements in Classics education. The exhibition celebrates the important role of African Americans in the field of Classics, and provides a unique opportunity to reflect upon the purpose of higher education and its place in the struggle for equality and human enrichment. 手机翻国外网站教程



The Hellenic Studies Series



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